
We attract new members with a broad spectrum of model building and flying skills. Some are complete novices who are breaking into the hobby and looking for support and others are very experienced flyers who compete Nationally in their chosen discipline. We welcome all and pride ourselves on extending a helping hand to those who need it.

If you are new to the hobby, the sheer choice of models, electronics and general equipment available can be a daunting experience. Local model shops provide some excellent advice which is likely to include joining an established flying club where you can further source valuable experience and support. Whilst it can be made to look easy, most outdoor models, whether electric or IC take a great deal of practice, patience and airspace to learn to fly. After joining the club, we actively look to support novice flyers with a buddy scheme. This involves us putting you in touch with an existing, experienced flyer (fixed wing or helicopter) who can orientate you with the club rules, flying field / facilities and importantly, flying your model in a controlled and safe manner. They, and other members that you'll be introduced to, will endeavour to support you right through to going solo.

If you haven't yet taken the plunge and are thinking of purchasing either a fixed wing aircraft or a helicopter, why not first get in touch to arrange a visit to our flying field where you will meet some of our members who will be delighted to give you a few pointers before you purchase. This will also give you the opportunity to see our excellent flying site and maybe see some fixed wing or helicopters being flown. We can also provide you with more details of our buddy programme and going solo procedures.